Scientific Advisory Board
The aha! Swiss Allergy Centre Foundation operates in close cooperation with specialists in the field of allergies.

The aha! Swiss Allergy Centre Foundation operates in the extremely complex and challenging environment of allergies, depending on close cooperation with specialists to provide information and advice to those affected.
The Scientific Advisory Board of the aha! Swiss Allergy Centre comprises leading personalities from the field of medical science. The Advisory Board ensures that the activities of the Foundation are always factually and technically correct and comply with the latest state of medicine and science.
The Scientific Advisory Board of the aha! Swiss Allergy Centre comprises:
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier
Head of the Allergy Unit
University Hospital, Zurich
Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Ballmer-Weber
Head Physician, Allergy Unit
Unit Dermatology, Venereology and Allergy
Cantonal Hospital, St. Gallen
Dr. med. Jean-Christoph Caubet
Attending physician, Department of Pediatric Allergology
University Hospital Geneva
Prof. Dr. med. Karin Hartmann
Head of Department of Allergology
University Hospital Basel
PD Dr. med. Lukas Jörg
Head of the Immunology and Allergology Department
University Hospital Berne
Prof. Dr. med. Roger Lauener
Head Physician, Paediatric Unit
East Switzerland Children's Hospital
Prof. Dr. med. Camillo Ribi
Physician in chief, Immunology and Allergy
University Hospital, Lausanne