Food allergies
A food allergy is based on an immune reaction by the body to harmless vegetable or animal proteins (allergens). In Switzerland, 14 ingredients that may cause an allergy or other adverse reactions must be clearly labelled and highlighted on the packaging.

Food allergy
Tiny amounts of the food in question are often enough to trigger an allergic reaction.

It is often the case that someone who has an allergic reaction to tree pollen or house dust mites, for example, is also unable to tolerate certain foods due to a cross-reaction. In rare cases, such a cross-reaction may also occur with allergies to animals and latex.

Peanut allergy
With a peanut allergy, even the tiniest traces are enough to cause severe allergic reactions.

Nut allergy
Approximately 10% of children and adults with a food allergy cannot tolerate nuts. Even traces of nut can be a problem.

Milk allergy
Milk and dairy products are major allergy triggers in infancy and childhood.

Egg allergy (chicken eggs)
Eggs (chicken eggs) are a common ingredient in many foods. Children are particularly prone to egg allergy.

Wheat allergy
Children are especially prone to wheat allergy. It is entirely different from coeliac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten.