Allergies and intolerances
Learn more about the most important types of allergies and intolerances and what you can do in each case.
Anaphylaxis (allergic shock)
Chemical substances
Every day we come into contact with chemical substances, such as cosmetics, cleaning agents and dyes. Some can cause an allergy or irritation.
House dust mite allergy
House dust mites can be found everywhere, both at home and at work - with health consequences for many allergy sufferers.
Insect venom allergy
In addition to swelling and redness of the skin, insect stings, especially from bees and wasps, can also cause severe allergic reactions.
Latex allergy
Products containing latex can produce allergic reactions and even cause a cross-reaction with certain foods.
Drugs: allergies and intolerances
Although adverse drug reactions are common, they are only sometimes due to allergy or intolerance.
Food allergies
A food allergy is based on an immune reaction by the body to harmless vegetable or animal proteins (allergens).
Food intolerances
The term, food intolerances, covers a range of non-allergic reactions to food.
Pollen allergy (hay fever)
Pollen allergy (hay fever) is a reaction to one or more types of pollen. It involves the immune system reacting to the proteins of pollen, which in themselves are harmless.
Mould allergy
Moulds are found all over the world, and proliferate particularly in damp environments, both outdoors and indoors.
Animal allergy
People have had pets for thousands of years. Traditionally used as farm animals, they are now treated as a member of the family. However, being in closer contact with them may also lead to allergies.
Indoor plants
Indoor plants make us feel better. However, there are also some that are known to trigger an allergy.
Good to know
More information about allergy tests, allergy prevention desensitisation, complementary medicine and much more besides helps cope with allergy issues. Our focus topics are also given here.