Anaphylaxis Training

Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and requires immediate medical attention. For this reason, we offer a training course for those affected and their families. The training is offered in German and French.

People take part in the anaphylaxis training.

The anaphylaxis training course covers allergy emergencies and physiological aspects of food as well as preventive measures. The training course is based on the most recent scientific findings and conducted by qualified experts with extensive medical and dietary experience. The anaphylaxis training course for the parents of affected children comprises two evening sessions.

Content and topics covered

  • Medical principles underlying allergy and anaphylaxis
  • Most recent facts and data on anaphylaxis
  • The correct response in an emergency 
  • Prevention: awareness and avoidance of triggers
  • Diet: food-related measures
  • Daily and family management
  • Dealing with fears and conflicts
  • Discussion of questions and sharing of experiences


Anyone prescribed an emergency set and/or their family: parents of affected children.

Course fee

90 Swiss francs.

You can become a patron member for 50 or more Swiss francs and benefit from a discount of 30 Swiss francs for this event. For more information, go to patron membership. We look forward to your registration.

NB: The course fee is covered by the supplementary insurance from SWICA, the supplementary insurance from CSS and the supplementary insurance from Helsana. Please read the terms and conditions (all PDFs in German) in the linked documents.

Information and registration

Date Place Time Registration
03.09.2024 (in German) Zurich from 18.30 to 21.00 To the registration
23.09.2024 (in German) Basel from 18.30 to 21.00 To the registration
12.11.2024 (in German) Lucerne from 18.30 to 21.00 To the registration
Spring 2025 (in German) Berne Further information will follow To the waiting list
2025 (in French) Lausanne Further information will follow To the waiting list

Suisse romande: École de l’anaphylaxie pour enfants et parents.



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